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A new industrial revolution? Labor, technology and the automotive industry

Data 31.05.2018 orario

Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33 , 56127 Italia

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The up rise of a new industrial revolution, the so-called Industry 4.0, is gaining increasingly attention both in public debates and in academic research. In fact, in recent years different countries have been approving plans of investment in order to spur innovation within manufacturing and service sectors. However, in some countries, like Italy, their outlines are still blurred and confused, because of the complexity of the process and the simultaneous contribution of several factors. While the attention seems to be focused on the potential and impressive reduction in manufacturing employment due to the increasing automation, an investigation on the current and future change of labor, firms’ capabilities and institutions has not been carried out. The aim of this conference is to propose an eclectic perspective to the topic that accounts for different and interdisciplinary contributions.

The first part of the conference will address the broad issue of the effects of technological innovations on human labor, trying to discuss whether we are really experiencing a disruptive change with the emergence of new paradigm or rather a continuity with the previous ones. Furthermore, the concept of platform economy and digital labor will be introduced. Indeed, the second part of the conference will be focused on the automotive sector, through different presentations covering both an economic and sociological perspective on its evolution and recent changes.




Morning Session

Lost in innovation? Labor in the new industrial revolution

Welcome speech by Alessandro Nuvolari - Director of the Institute of Economics at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna

Introduction by organizers

11.00-11.30  Stefano Musso - Associate Professor of History at the University of Turin

How does technological innovation affect work and workers? A historical overview on Italian manufacturing

11.30-12.00 Paola Tubaro - Senior Researcher at CNRS

Micro-work, artificial intelligence and the automotive industry

12.00-12.30 Angelo Salento - Associate professor of Economic sociology at the University of Salento

Constraints and decisions in the domain 'Industry 4.0'

12.30- 13.00

Discussions and questions

13.00-14.00 Lunch



Afternoon session

The case of automotive industry

14.00-14.30  Massimo Moggi - Seldon Group, professional affiliate of the Institute of Economics of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna

A taxonomy of new technologies in the automotive sector: disruptive or incremental innovations?

14.30-15.00  Tommaso Pardi - Senior Researcher at CNRS and Director of GERPISA

The future of work in the automotive sector: a general overview

15.00-15.30 Francesco Garibaldo - Director of Fondazione Claudio Sabattini, Bologna

The role of trade unions and workers participation in the innovation process

15.30-16.00  Valeria Cirillo (Researcher at INAPP), Matteo Rinaldini (Assistant Professor of Sociology at University of Modena-Reggio Emilia), Jacopo Staccioli (PhD student at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna), Marica Virgilito (Assistant Professor at Università Cattolica, Milano and affiliate researcher of the Institute of Economics of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna)

Workers' awareness context in Italian 4.0 factories

Discussion, questions and questions